I know you don’t want to hear this, but now that the leaves are starting to fall, it’s only a matter of time before the Michigan weather will bring winter snow and ice. Before mother nature unleashes a new barrage of wicked winter storms and cold weather, we all have a chance to take steps to protect of homes by inspecting our roofs and proactively handling maintenance issues.
Here are some things that you can do in October to help protect your home: * Gutter Maintenance: Clean your gutters! Gutters that are debris-free will keep water flowing properly off your roof. Clogged gutters splash water back onto the roof, which will often lead to damage and mold issues.To prevent falling leaves from clogging up the works, consider installing gutter guards. Gutter guards will save you hours of work down the road and aren’t that expensive. Water gets in, while leaves and other debris stays out.
* Trim Those Trees: Your trees sure do grow fast. As the branches start getting close to your house, trim them back this fall. Tree branches can damage your roof and those pesky leaves can clog your gutters, especially if you haven’t installed guards. * Get a Professional Roof Inspection: Sure, you can haul out the ladder and see what you can see, but a professional inspector will often see things that you cannot. This includes the inspection of your attic to look for signs of leaks and to ensure that you have adequate and unobstructed ventilation.If the inspection reveals that you need repair work, we highly recommend that you take care of it immediately before the ice arrives. If ignored small issues in the fall can develop into expensive problems in the winter.
* Consider products and services available from AMR; designed to handle tough Michigan weather: - Metal Roofing Solutions: Investment grade materials impervious to the elements that often destroy asphalt roofing materials - Snow Country Roofs: Available in Oxford Shingle & Rustic Shingle - Heated Shingle: Designed to go over metal and asphalt shingles - Heated Shingle Ice Dam Cutter: Automatic ice melting technology - Ice Removal Service: For ice dams and snow buildupWhen it comes to Winters, Michigan Winters can be unforgiving to a roofing system in disrepair. By spending time inspecting, repairing, and maintaining your roof now, may save you from spending too much later.
If you have any questions, need an inspection or wish to learn more about the products and services that American Metal Roofs has to offer, just give us a call or chat online with an expert.

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