Nothing is more frustrating to a homeowner than spending money on air conditioning, especially in summer’s dog days when an otherwise comfortable home becomes a sauna. Fortunately,consumers have options and choices to maximize air-conditioning efficiency and save money, too.

Built-up communities experience what the Environmental Protection Agency calls a “heat island effect” when, during the hottest summer days, roof temperatures are 50% to 90% hotter than air temperatures. While trees and other plants can cool the environment, individual homes benefit from “cool roofs” made of heat reflective products such as aluminum. Rather than pass the sun’s heat to your attic, aluminum panels reflect nearly 95% of the sun’s rays, keeping your home cool and comfortable. 2: GET MILITARY TOUGH

During Operation Desert Storm, military vehicles treated with Hi-R coatings avoided infrared enemy detection. Now we use this technology to specifically reflect the near infrared spectrum of the sun’s light, keeping your roof 50 degrees cooler than a non-treated roof. High-tech coatings on your roof mean energy savings in your pocket.

Only Energy Star-certified products meet energy-efficiency requirements established by the EPA and guarantee consumers they will recover their investment through lower utility bills. Homes with metal roofing take advantage of environmental factors that help homeowners save money. Of all energy-efficient roofing materials, metal roofing saves the most energy because of its superior ability to cool quickly at night, according to the Florida Solar Energy Center.
Today’s consumers have so many resources to help fight rising energy costs, there’s just no reason to continue spending hard-earned money keeping your home cool and comfortable. Instead, let your roof do the work for you.
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